Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Eurythmics Sweet Dreams Travel the World

Travel the world Eurythmics Sweet Dreams

How to Travel the World

Step one to travel the world; stop, drop, and plan. Okay, not really, but cutesiness aside, you really should do some serious thinking, planning, and soul searching before you embark on an adventure that big. How are you going to pay for it, how are you going to take that much time off of work and keep your job (or are you planning on keeping your job), what are you going to do with your home in the meantime, where are you going to travel and for how long each destination, how many of you will be going. The list of questions goes on and on, but they are all vital questions to know the answers to if you are serious about trying to travel the world.

Ways to travel the world

Of course, there is more than one way to travel the world. There's the tourist way, with a brief several day stop (a week, tops) at each location. This way to travel the world you spend every day seeing as much as possible before you set out to the next destination in a kind of fevered frenzy. This way to travel the world is only for the bold and the exceedingly energetic. Then there is the broken up into pieces way (sorry I couldn't think of a better name for it). In this way you go spend a few weeks at a destination, and then go home for several months. The advantage to this is the somewhat slower pace than that of the tourist's way to travel the world. Also, you can decide for yourself whether you are going to lean touristy and spend your days exploring and seeing as much as possible, or whether you will go the natives route and stick to what's within walking distance of wherever you're staying (or maybe a short drive, maybe).

Favorite way to travel the world

And then there is the way that I would like to travel the world, though I am not sure that this will ever work out for me; over the course of several years, spending possibly months at a time at each location. I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life in trying to travel the world just a little at a time. I prefer to be able to soak up what's around me slowly rather than trying to cram as much random touristy information down my throat as possible. What's your ideal way to travel the world?